Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Personal Reinvention

     Recently, I wrote about professional reinvention.  After, really taking a look at the idea of reinventing oneself, it occurred to me that each year we reinvent ourselves or least we try to!  On January 1st we all vow to eat less and workout more.  For me that usually lasts a week and then I am back to my old ways.  We also reinvent ourselves around our birthdays, we are determined that what we did last year will not be the same thing that we will engage in this year.  The idea is anything can change as long as you are willing to change the way your mindset and look at situations and circumstances from a different prospective!

     I am a firm believer that when you know better, you should do better.  I saw this bumper sticker on a car a couple of years ago and it read: "Live the life you love." That statement stuck with me because at that time, I was living life but it wasn't the life that I loved.  That statement alone made me stop and re-evaluate my life.  The realization that I was not living the life I love was enough to force me to change my life.  I became a parent and was so focused on my children that I literally began to forget about ME! I had to reinvent Geneise!

     As a parent, it is important to ensure that yes, you are providing for your children but you also have to provide for yourself.  I'm not talking about food, clothing, shelter; I'm talking about time with friends, minus the children; cuddling up with a good book, minus the children; a nice glass of wine, minus the children, etc.  It is a must for each parent and notice I said each parent, father and mother.

     Reinvention is fun and exciting!  It gives you the look and feel of being a new person!  The slightest transformation will make a difference, think about hair and eye colors. The minute that changes, some people look totally different but does it matter if their character is in question.  You have to change your mindset in order for it to matter, because you will get such a clear view from the right perspective.

If there is something that you want to do, reinvent yourself and make it happen!



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