Monday, October 14, 2013

Making Each Day Count

     It has been five weeks since my last post and I hope you have missed me as much as I have missed you!  During that time, I have had the opportunity to really sit down and give some additional thought to this blog and my writing process.  Usually, I sit down and just write about what comes to mind but now, I would like a more structured approach, therefore, this post is going to be about each of you making each day count. 

     When you hear the words "making my bucket list" what comes to mind?  For me it is a vision of things that I want to do, places I want to visit, and people that I would like to see.  It is all about experiences.  The bucket list itself is a plan; it is a starting to point.  Once you have create the list, then you can start organizing it to reflect which things are a priority and the time frame that you need to have it completed and the budget.  Now it is time to set goals and deadlines and if possible go ahead save the date and pay for anything that you can in advance.  This eases the stress and creates an enjoyable trip or experience. 

     Planning and preparing are essential to all walks of life.  In order to be successful in anything that you do, you must first have an idea, which becomes a vision which manifests into a plan, and then it is put into action.  Many times, we have ideas and we do not act upon them.  We allow ourselves to become complacent with where we are in life. I say embark upon a new adventure, take risks, and enjoy life.  You only live once!  Even if I can't do some new every month, I plan on doing something new and different at least once a month.  There is nothing wrong with that.

     I think it is important that parents encourage their children to be creative and not be afraid of sharing their ideas and creating visions.  So often parents assume when children reach a certain age that they do not have to be encouraged but the reality of it is that children need to be empowered. I want to empower my children to have the intestinal fortitude to put their ideas into motion and to embark on new journeys and new experiences.

Take the time and make each day count!

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