Sunday, June 22, 2014


"Be What You Expect of Yourself, Not What Others Expect of You!" ~Kushandwizdom
     Today I promise to be better than I was yesterday!  I am so passionate about personal growth, which is why I haven't been blogging; I have been growing! I have been experiencing growth in all facets of my life: mentally, spiritually, socially, physically, financially, and academically.  I am finally becoming the person that I have always dreamed of being.  The only thing missing now is my desire and determination to give back to my community in rural Georgia. 
    The struggle is real when you are working so hard to get to one place but it seems as if the closer you get the further away it becomes.  Is that enough to cause you to give up?  It shouldn't be.  No matter how far it seems, plan on pushing forward because each step that you take gets you one step closer to your destination.  No one ever said that it was going to be easy. There are obstacles and setbacks that some people must endure and this may cause the plan to alter.  When this happens, it's time to learn the lesson and use it to change your perspective and your paradigm.  You are or should be in control of your own life and your own destiny. 
     It's true that people have expectations of you.  It only becomes a conflict when you do not live up to the expectations of others.  Have you defined your expectations for yourself?  What is your vision of your life and where you would like to be in five or ten years?  It is a great idea to write down your plans and periodically review, re-evaluate, and rewrite what you want to do and/or plan on doing! 
     I equate my life's plan with a map.  When traveling we use a map or gps to get where we are going, why not do the same with your life?  Create a map of your life leading you to success and fulfilling your own expectations!
Continue building because our working together is building a better you and me!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Knowing The Right Relationship

     When do you know the right relationship? If a relationship is not built on a strong foundation then it is destined to fail. I think a strong foundation consists of communication, trust, and love. I want to know that when my mate is out of eye shot and earshot that I can trust that he acts as if I am standing right beside him. Not as a "watcher"...but as someone that he respects.

      A mate should be someone that shows you respect when you're there and when you are not there. Home should always come before someone in the streets. When that ceases to exist then you need to make your home somewhere else and if that is not an option, then it's time to work on the relationship and determine what's missing. 

     How can you be young, fly, and flashy in the streets when your bills are behind in the home? Guys and Gals,  what are your opinions and exactly what are you searching for in the streets...relationships, casual sex, or just a meaningful connection because you are missing something at home?

I just want to know.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Love and Individuality

     All last month, I wanted to write about unrequited love versus unconditional love, reason being, it was February and everyone was posting blogs and stories about love. I have always loved unconditionally because if you have to put conditions on why you love a person than your relationship has no merit.  Love unconditionally, it means more.

     The biggest battle that I have had in a minute is the battle that I had with myself.  I have always had goals and aspirations that I wanted to accomplish and positions that I wanted to achieve, however, my progress became an issue when those I thought were trying to help me, were really trying to hurt and hinder me.  I think that is so petty and immature that, people are so afraid that you are going to get ahead of them, that they try any and everything to hold you down.  I have never been that person because I want everyone to know their strengths and weaknesses and to find their talents and work towards their potential.  Give life your best shot!

    In relationships, is it necessary to lose yourself and adapt the thoughts and rules of someone else? I think not.  No matter if you are in a relationship or not, you are still an individual; relationships do not mean that you have to control the other person's every move and that each time they move, you move.  I think those relationships are based on control and low self-esteem, as well as insecurities.  There is no cookie cutter way to be.  Each person is different and should be treated differently.  There is no need to "tell" a person, how they need to dress, where they can and cannot go, friends they can or cannot have; that makes no sense to me, that is a person who wants control. 

Take control of your life and give it your best!  While you are building a better you, I am definitely building a better me.





Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Choices We Make

     "The Choice is Yours", that's what his tattoo says! My perception of that tattoo has always been that no matter what you do in life, you make those choices and must be willing to accept any consequences that they bring, whether positive or negative.

     Just the other day, I read a bumper sticker that said, "Don't let your present choices, affect your future opportunities." I really had to think about that for a minute; with all the social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn), only to name a few, we as social media participants should really be mindful of the information that we post and share with others.  Although, I am an active participant in several of the aforementioned social media sites, my settings are always set to private, so only the people that I have accepted as my friends are privy to the information that I post.  As parents, we also have a responsibility to monitor what our children are posting on those sites as well, because they are oblivious to the repercussions that they may suffer from a post that they posted and thought was just in "fun and games," months and even years after.

     The internet holds a wealth of information, much of which remains even after it has been deleted on the surface.  It's imperative that our youth realize that their post are being viewed by parents, police officers, teachers, pastors, potential schools for college applicants, and potential employers. The youth must realize that their online profiles, say a lot about them and they can either make them or break them simply by words and/or pictures that have been posted.  In years past, we would meet people face to face and determine what our first impression of them was but now, our first impression starts online. Many times, the person has met you online by conduct an online search of your identifying information before they have met you in person.  It is the online search and the information that is gathered that determines whether you will even get to meet in person.  So you have to be careful of what you put out there.

     Youth and grown-ups are having a hard time accepting that their online "public" profiles are influencing how people and potential employees view them.  It's about character and building a positive online reputation.  An online reputation is just as noticeable as a reputation in or around your school and community.  These online social sites were created initially for fun but through the years and the usage, they have morphed into a marketing, recruiting, promoting mecca.  Everybody uses it for some purpose; whether to keep in touch with friends, promote a business, meet your chosen college roommate, or just to see what people are doing on a daily basis.

     The internet can be used for fun but with the way of the world, we as a people should be using it to our advantage and creating positive images which builds our character and shows our integrity.  If each time a "third party" or company that is interested in hiring you, searches and sees your profile and it is filled with profanity, drugs, alcohol, and half-dressed men or women; it is safe to say they are going to question your character and rule, based on what your online presence says about you, that you are not a good fit or candidate for their job.

Always emulate a positive image on the World Wide Web because it lasts forever and you never really know who's watching!




Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A New Year, A New You

     January 1st of each year, we as a people vow to get fit, get closer to and make time for our families and friends.  The goal is to better ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and financially.  The problem becomes when we say those changes but really do not do anything to ensure that those changes occur.  We do the same things over and over but expect different results.  That's never going to happen. 

     There is another problem that we encounter in our quest to better ourselves.  Often we make the changes, put in the hard work to ensure that we relieve ourselves of bad habits and equip ourselves with information that empowers us to do our very best and become the best person that it is possible to become; but in that transition, your efforts go unnoticed and it feels as if your work has been done in vain. 

     All people have their own agenda in life, let's be clear on that but how is it that a person gives their all in a relationship and then they are the ones mistreated and cheated on?  How is it that a person strives to be the best at a job but they are passed for the promotion?  These are the things that push people back into old habits and old rituals which go against the very resolutions that are being made at the beginning of the year.  Why try to be something or someone different if it goes unnoticed?

     The answer to that question should be very simple but yet it is not.  Strive to be a better person because that's the person that you would like to become.  You have to be happy with yourself before anyone can be happy for you.  It is my opinion that the acceptance of your changes by someone else should not be the determining factors of your change.  Change , do it for yourself and not for anyone else whether it is noticed or not.  I am a firm believer that all things in life have a cycle.  All though, you may not think things are changing or working out the way that you think they should, they are really working out the way that they should. 

    Use every opportunity, every obstacle, every closed door as a learning experience.  Sometimes, the doors do not open because either you aren't ready or that's just not the right door for you!  That does not mean you have to stop working on matter if the year is changing or if you are changing, continue to Build a Better You and I will continue to Build a Better Me!

Happy New Year, 2014!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Reason for the Season

     Christmas has always been a special time of the year.  The reason for the season varies depending upon whose house you are in.  In our house, the reason for the season has always been the "gift of life; Christmas represents the day that Jesus was born.  There were Christmas carols that everybody knew and my kids can't get one right. 

     When we were driving home, the lack of Christmas decorations sparked a conversation between Adrian and I.  In 2013, what is the meaning of Christmas?  Once thing that we agreed upon was that the celebration of Christmas has become so commercial and seems to be viewed as just another holiday to go shopping.  Now our children are either texting on their smart phones, listening to music on their ipods through their Beats by Dre, surfing the world wide web on their tablets and laptops, or gaming on their Xbox or PS4.  Where are the children riding Big Wheels, Green Machines, Bikes?  I am ashamed to say that two years ago, I bought my children bikes for Christmas and they have yet to learn/really ride them but I redeemed myself this year by buying electronic scooters!  :-)

     After yesterday, I made a conscious decision that next Christmas, we will have decorations galore, a lot of caroling, reciting the story of baby Jesus and all day outside play!  Let's bring back "traditional" celebrations and the Christmas decorations!

I hope each and everyone of you had a Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanks for Family

      Today, I think it is only fitting that my blog focuses on family.  November is the month of giving thanks and I would like to thank my family; without them, there would be no me! Often more times than not, when one thinks about family, they think about blood relatives.  When I think about family, I think about people who have come into my life and have made a difference.  I regard them as family because they cared enough about me to try and steer me in the right directions.
     My family is from rural Georgetown, Georgia and it is one of the poorest counties in Georgia.  I am not ashamed to say that I am one generation from an outhouse and I say this because my family has had to struggle and sacrifice on many occasions to get the things that they needed.  It hasn't been easy but I am glad to say that my family has battled and conquered the majority of the obstacles that were placed before them. My family is built on persistence, perseverance, and determination!

     One obstacle that my mother, Carrie, had to face and endure was integration.  My mother was the first Black to graduate from Georgetown High School.  For 3 years she endured the name calling but it did not deter her from her goal of graduating.  I applaud my mom because is my strength.  The fight that she possesses has been passed down to me and I am thankful for that.

     Family means the most to me!  I am thankful for everyone that is from the union of Ephraim Griggs and Lizzie Shepard!  My great-grandfather fathered 29 children by his two wives and had 2 other children, making the total 31! 
     Take this Thanksgiving and reflect on your family, find out the history of your family, talk about the struggles that they faced and how they overcame.  It is important to know where you came from so that you better plan where you are going!  Be proud of yourself and your family.
