Sunday, June 22, 2014


"Be What You Expect of Yourself, Not What Others Expect of You!" ~Kushandwizdom
     Today I promise to be better than I was yesterday!  I am so passionate about personal growth, which is why I haven't been blogging; I have been growing! I have been experiencing growth in all facets of my life: mentally, spiritually, socially, physically, financially, and academically.  I am finally becoming the person that I have always dreamed of being.  The only thing missing now is my desire and determination to give back to my community in rural Georgia. 
    The struggle is real when you are working so hard to get to one place but it seems as if the closer you get the further away it becomes.  Is that enough to cause you to give up?  It shouldn't be.  No matter how far it seems, plan on pushing forward because each step that you take gets you one step closer to your destination.  No one ever said that it was going to be easy. There are obstacles and setbacks that some people must endure and this may cause the plan to alter.  When this happens, it's time to learn the lesson and use it to change your perspective and your paradigm.  You are or should be in control of your own life and your own destiny. 
     It's true that people have expectations of you.  It only becomes a conflict when you do not live up to the expectations of others.  Have you defined your expectations for yourself?  What is your vision of your life and where you would like to be in five or ten years?  It is a great idea to write down your plans and periodically review, re-evaluate, and rewrite what you want to do and/or plan on doing! 
     I equate my life's plan with a map.  When traveling we use a map or gps to get where we are going, why not do the same with your life?  Create a map of your life leading you to success and fulfilling your own expectations!
Continue building because our working together is building a better you and me!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Knowing The Right Relationship

     When do you know the right relationship? If a relationship is not built on a strong foundation then it is destined to fail. I think a strong foundation consists of communication, trust, and love. I want to know that when my mate is out of eye shot and earshot that I can trust that he acts as if I am standing right beside him. Not as a "watcher"...but as someone that he respects.

      A mate should be someone that shows you respect when you're there and when you are not there. Home should always come before someone in the streets. When that ceases to exist then you need to make your home somewhere else and if that is not an option, then it's time to work on the relationship and determine what's missing. 

     How can you be young, fly, and flashy in the streets when your bills are behind in the home? Guys and Gals,  what are your opinions and exactly what are you searching for in the streets...relationships, casual sex, or just a meaningful connection because you are missing something at home?

I just want to know.