Saturday, March 22, 2014

Love and Individuality

     All last month, I wanted to write about unrequited love versus unconditional love, reason being, it was February and everyone was posting blogs and stories about love. I have always loved unconditionally because if you have to put conditions on why you love a person than your relationship has no merit.  Love unconditionally, it means more.

     The biggest battle that I have had in a minute is the battle that I had with myself.  I have always had goals and aspirations that I wanted to accomplish and positions that I wanted to achieve, however, my progress became an issue when those I thought were trying to help me, were really trying to hurt and hinder me.  I think that is so petty and immature that, people are so afraid that you are going to get ahead of them, that they try any and everything to hold you down.  I have never been that person because I want everyone to know their strengths and weaknesses and to find their talents and work towards their potential.  Give life your best shot!

    In relationships, is it necessary to lose yourself and adapt the thoughts and rules of someone else? I think not.  No matter if you are in a relationship or not, you are still an individual; relationships do not mean that you have to control the other person's every move and that each time they move, you move.  I think those relationships are based on control and low self-esteem, as well as insecurities.  There is no cookie cutter way to be.  Each person is different and should be treated differently.  There is no need to "tell" a person, how they need to dress, where they can and cannot go, friends they can or cannot have; that makes no sense to me, that is a person who wants control. 

Take control of your life and give it your best!  While you are building a better you, I am definitely building a better me.
