Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A New Year, A New You

     January 1st of each year, we as a people vow to get fit, get closer to and make time for our families and friends.  The goal is to better ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and financially.  The problem becomes when we say those changes but really do not do anything to ensure that those changes occur.  We do the same things over and over but expect different results.  That's never going to happen. 

     There is another problem that we encounter in our quest to better ourselves.  Often we make the changes, put in the hard work to ensure that we relieve ourselves of bad habits and equip ourselves with information that empowers us to do our very best and become the best person that it is possible to become; but in that transition, your efforts go unnoticed and it feels as if your work has been done in vain. 

     All people have their own agenda in life, let's be clear on that but how is it that a person gives their all in a relationship and then they are the ones mistreated and cheated on?  How is it that a person strives to be the best at a job but they are passed for the promotion?  These are the things that push people back into old habits and old rituals which go against the very resolutions that are being made at the beginning of the year.  Why try to be something or someone different if it goes unnoticed?

     The answer to that question should be very simple but yet it is not.  Strive to be a better person because that's the person that you would like to become.  You have to be happy with yourself before anyone can be happy for you.  It is my opinion that the acceptance of your changes by someone else should not be the determining factors of your change.  Change , do it for yourself and not for anyone else whether it is noticed or not.  I am a firm believer that all things in life have a cycle.  All though, you may not think things are changing or working out the way that you think they should, they are really working out the way that they should. 

    Use every opportunity, every obstacle, every closed door as a learning experience.  Sometimes, the doors do not open because either you aren't ready or that's just not the right door for you!  That does not mean you have to stop working on you...no matter if the year is changing or if you are changing, continue to Build a Better You and I will continue to Build a Better Me!

Happy New Year, 2014!